Pricing & Quotes

“Getting quotes or estimates are difficult to procure for these types of works”

As visible rot is likely to be only the “tip of the ice berg”it makes the provision of a fixed quote a difficult assignment for any builder working with the renovation of a heritage home.

Consequently we only provide estimates for the work we are asked to look at.

An estimate is essentially a rough guideline of cost given the likely scope of the works that can be determined before repair works begin.

Work is carried out on an hourly rate with materials and subcontractors costs subject to a 15% margin.

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Pricing Guideline

Our hourly rate for a carpenter on timber renewal or maintenance works vary according to the size of the works and thus the time required to undertake them. These are clarified as below; Note all pricing is GST exclusive.

  • For larger scale works taking four weeks or more: $70/hr

  • For medium scale works taking three days to four weeks : $75/hr

  • For small scale works taking less than three days : $80/hr

    Typical Estimates for Villa double hung or Bungalow casement Window Repairs (Note: GST Excl)

  • Replacement of sash cords only to both sliding sashes (Costs dependent on size of sashes and their existing mobility) $400 to $550

  • Replacement of rotten sill only (Villa or Bungalow windows) $900 to $1500

  • Replacement of rotten sill, jambs, finishing timbers and parting beads $2,000 to $3,000

  • Please note : any scaffolding required to work at height on exterior window elements is an extra cost to these estimates.